Friday, February 23, 2024

One of those days

 I’m working on a secret test knit- not many pictures of this one until it’s published. But I have to admit, the pattern is kicking my butt. I was up early this morning, excited to try a new stitch pattern and to get a big start on this project but I’ve frogged it twice and now my hands hurt. I might have to quit knitting for the day as the yarn is difficult for me to work with- it’s Custom Woolen Mills 3 ply mulespinner and it’s just thick. I’ll have to do some housework if I take a break so maybe I should persevere. 

Friday, February 16, 2024

Introductions and a review

 Hey all!  I have no idea who will read this blog or where it will end up but I am jumping in with both feet. I have been on a journey with yarn for the last several years and I want to share what I am thinking and learning as I go.

First of all, I am a 48 year old Teacher facing the back end of my career. I am currently a grade 5 teacher and I love what I do but I also love to be involved in the larger world of knitting, weaving and spinning. If I could make this my career, I would in a  heart beat. However, so far my yarn-y pursuits do not pay the bills and I spend my days teaching.

I also am a dedicated animal lover. I currently have Murphy, a 14 year old JRT who is slowing down each day. I wonder how much longer Miss Murph will be with us, but for now she rules the roost. 

Murphy, on the deck

I also have Finn; a 1 year old Labrador Retriever. Finn came to me at a time when I needed a puppy and I needed him. I had no idea what I was getting into but he has turned out to be a low key, loving, funny dog who just asks for affection. Given a choice between food and people, people will win every time. He's really pure love in action. Mr. Finn will be a show dog once I figure out how to show him and it'll be a fun adventure! Four cats also live in my house. Ryder moved himself in and accounced he lived there, and I then thought he needed friends. So, I reduced Oliver and Ophelia. I fostered Weston and he never left. He's a joy of a cat and I am so happy I failed the fostering and kept him. 

Oliver, hanging out while I knit

Ophelia, hanging out. 



My Finnegan. Such a doll

In terms of Fibre Arts, I knit and I weave. I have a studio space where I keep my yarns and my loom, my spinning wheels and other tools. I wish I could spend all my time in this space but sadly, life gets in the way. However, I love my space and it's my zen place; a place I can relax and be totally dedicated to working with wool.

I always have projects on the go. Currently, I am waiting for TWO test knits to start- one secretive that I can't share and another I will be sharing here. Im impatiently waiting for the yarn to arrive for the second project and I hope to get started on it next week. (C'mon yarn, please ship today!).  In the meantime, I have picked up a project called the "Legacy Pullover".  It is a colour work pullover (my first time doing colour work like this!) and it's being made with very special yarn. I had some fibre equipment I loved but had no room for so I sold it to a fellow yarn addict and it's being used everyday now. With the proceeds, I paid some bills and bought some yarn.

I am using Knitting for Olive Merino for this project and it's an interesting yarn. I am finding it splits easily and it takes some focus to work with. It's also a very light fingering weight; I almost think it's actually lace weight. But, the colours are amazing and I am loving the fabric that is being produced by it. Would I recommend this yarn?  Yes, but be prepared it likely will knit slower than some other fingering weight yarns; at least it is for me. But, the result is worth it.

One of those days

 I’m working on a secret test knit- not many pictures of this one until it’s published. But I have to admit, the pattern is kicking my butt....